The 5-day apple diet requires the dieters to eat only apples and fluid on day one. For the rest of the four days, the dieters will be allowed to eat mostly apples along with other nutrition-dense foods but
not exceeding 1200 calories per day.
The perfect ingredients for dieting, apples, rich in minerals, vitamins, fiber, and also very few calories, which is about 80 to 100 calories, depending on the size of the fruit. Laxative effective and apples are also nutritious and beneficial to the nervous system, and that is why is included in many diet routine. However, for this diet, apple is the star! Fiber in apples binds to fat molecules, preventing the absorption of fat. Then excreted fiber directly binding fat from the body. Apples also make you feel fuller for longer. And eating an apple before each main meal make you feel hungry and prevent you from overeating.