Sunday, April 8, 2018

How A Pacemaker Saves Lives

By Shirley Stewart

There was a time in the past when heart problems meant that your entire life would change, and you may have severe limitations on your diet and activities. Luckily, with today's stellar medical technology improving all the time, a heart condition does not have to mean impending doom. With a pacemaker, you are able to live a much more normal life.

In order to figure out who might need pacemakers or why, it is important to understand the human heart. It pumps blood through your body to keep you alive, but the way it does so is quite complex, involving a series of electric signals. Problems occur when the signals do not work properly or stop working altogether, which is dangerous.

Pacemakers are usually used to correct an arrhythmia, which is an abnormal heartbeat rate or pace. It could leave to intermittent or even chronic fatigue or fainting, which could take a serious toll on your health. In fact, it could be deadly if left untreated, because it can cause blood flow to slow or stop to the major organs, which results in organ failure.

If you are exhibiting the signs of a heartbeat issue, your doctor may run a series of tests. An EKG is one of the most popular because it is easy and painless to the patient. It involves a machine that registers and records all of the electrical activity going on in your heart, showing its rhythm.

An echocardiography, also called an echo for short, involves using waves of sound to record the functions and flow. It also measures the shape and size or everything, including the chambers and valves and makes sure they are working properly.

For patients who are still active and can run on a treadmill, they may ask them to do so with sensors attached, also called a stress test. For those who cannot run because of fatigue, they can drink medicine that increases heart rate for a similar effect.

Once it is decided you do need one, you will go through a surgery that takes a few hours of time. During the surgery, a needle is put into a vein near your shoulder. The wires of the device are strung though and placed on the heart itself. Then a small incision is made in your chest and a small metal box is inserted and connected to the wires.

You will have to stay at least one day and night so the staff can keep an eye on you and make sure you do not get an infection or that the device does not malfunction. You may experience some pain and tenderness in the incision area, but nothing that some over the counter medicine cannot help. You should scale back work and other activities for at least a month as your body adjusts.

There are some pratfalls to pacemakers, the biggest one being changing your cell phone use. Electrical devices like cell phones or even microwaves can cause the device to react badly, which puts you at risk. Do not store your phone in your shirt pocket, and try to keep it away from the box as much as possible. This will ensure the box continues to function properly.

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